Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Honest to Blog... I must just say...

This is a short reply to the opinion piece posted by "Mazet" entitled: "Homosexuality".

I hate going into arguments like this. Arguments that rest on Religion for a justification. I am a firm non-believer in what the institution of religion has come to stand for. Originally a beautiful piece of hope for millions, intended to give a structure to the world whilst giving believers the comfort of knowing that they are not alone when the lights go out - Religion has morphed into some horrific justification for the bigoted and ignorant of the world.

"Homosexuality is a sin in my eyes. It is an act of denying God's creation and God's plan with an individual's life." My veins are pumping battery acid right now. Firstly, the Bible was created in an archaic world - cultural relativism has outdated many of the practises described in the Bible.

Because we don't live in 400 AC. We don't stone people to death, we don't keep women subordinate to men and we for damn sure don't crucify people anymore. Its funny how ol' homophobe over here doesn't hate THESE positive progressions, but loathes the fact that its not fair to lynch a homo like in the good days with JC. This is a typical case of Religion being used to veil personal ignorance.

So you don't like homosexuals. I'm pretty sure they don't like you either. I'm sure lots of people don't like lots of people for lots of different reasons. Just wish you had been brave enough to admit that instead of hiding behind Jesus to make yourself look noble and good.

Homo or Hetero, we all go "Ouchies!" when we stub our toes. Whether its with men or women that you find love - love is a beautiful thing. You search your whole life to find it, and often it is shocking, unexpected and messy. But its the last redeeming factor in these times of war, destruction and tragedy. The world has bigger problems than men kissing men.

I'm sure God is more insulted by the genocides, murders and abuses being committed across the world than he is of the Transgender man/lady in Fables. Why don't we tackle all that first before we start locking up the gays? Mmmmk pumpkin?

Looky! Even Heteros can be siff -

This biggoty piecey of pseudo goodness can be found at: http://gerbilthefunkyrhodent.blogspot.com/2008/10/homosexuality.html#links

1 comment:

nesi sk said...

Really helpful information u mentioned in your blog. Thank you for the post.