Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Letter To A Friend

25 September 2008

A Friend

This letter is not intended to scare you but rather to encourage you.

Every single person at Rhodes is here to learn, irrespective of race, gender and age. Your commitment is three to four years, never forget this. Take it one step at a time − day by day, week by week, month by month, term by term, semester by semester and year by year.

Aspire to climb great heights. Every time you pass the Journalism and Media Studies building, place yourself on the third floor balcony at the end of a hard working day with a cigar in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other, enjoying the sunset as if it were your last.

It only takes one muscle to smile upon your neighbour. Thank your lecturer and don’t forget about your tutor. Don’t close your eyes too long, blink only when you must as time here at Rhodes seems to disappear so fast. If you become an addict, I pray it to be coffee…DON’T DO DRUGS. Perhaps wisdom does come with age, but knowledge is gained through your readings. When you’re up all night completing an assignment, thank God you’re amongst the selected few.

The day you are given the opportunity to make a difference in this wonderful world we live in, remember those less fortunate, grab hold of the opportunity, leaving behind far greater memories than mere grades on a piece of paper. When you finally walk off the stage, your hat on your head, robe trailing behind you, let the witnesses of the day be awe-inspired by what you have achieved ─ “I AM LEGEND”.

Good luck for the future. May you achieve all the goals you have set out to achieve. Hold your head up high, be proud of who you are and even more proud of who you are about to become.

A Friend.


Tut group one said...

Deep, This is something not just "younger selfs", but "today selfs" need to read. Inspiring stuff.
-The Godmother

Captain Morgan said...

When reading your blog post I was able to connect to your reservations, dreams and desires on a whole new level. Your wishes and words literally jumped off the page at me at a time when I could “hear” them.

I believe your blog post, and your life, mirror the beliefs and desires of my own succinctly and seamlessly. We both wanted to describe to our readers that anyone has the ability to make a difference for others, the choice to shape our lives as we wish and the belief that we have an opportunity to enrich ourselves in a way, I think, neither of us ever thought possible.

However, it is the last two lines that best describes the way to survive first year: “Hold your head up high, be proud of who you are and even more proud of who you are about to become.”

Captain Morgan -

Smiley Girl said...

A very encouraging read. I hope that many students read this and benefit.

Many blessing to all readers and much success for your future.

Kganya said...

this is a very well set out blog. the colour goes with the theme and the letters are very attracting. when i read this blog it touched me extremely and opened my eyes to the broader world and to focus on the "what you want is what you will get theory". the vocabulary used is very catchy and the letters just flow together which shows that there was excellent proof reading. either than that it was a well planned blog...